person using a computer for free telehealth training

Telehealth Classroom has expanded.

As the most trusted resource in the Northeast for evidence-based telehealth training and education, the Northeast Telehealth Resource Center (NETRC) team is here to educate you on a myriad of topics in telehealth from the basics (e.g., reimbursement and workflows) to more advanced topics (e.g., customized curricula for specific-use cases).

In addition, we've added eLearning courses and toolkits from related projects at MCD Global Health that use telementoring modalities, such as Project ECHO®.

If you or your team need free telehealth training, create a free Telehealth Classroom account
Create account

Have ideas for new telehealth training curriculum or need technical assistance in implementing telehealth? Contact NETRC


screenshot from Developing a School Based Telebehavioral Health Program module

Developing a School Based Telebehavioral Health Program

screenshot from Achieving Quality in Telehealth module

Achieving Quality in Telehealth (Operational & Clinical Best Practices)

screenshot from Telehealth Toolkit for SUD and OUD Services module

Telehealth Toolkit for SUD and OUD Services

Register to view the full course catalog

Developed by the NETRC, the Telehealth Classroom assists stakeholders in the Northeast to learn about and how to successfully implement telehealth.

What is Telehealth?

Telehealth brings the right health care to patients where and when they need it, such as remotely monitoring patients' health status and behaviors, using video conference tools to meet face to face with patients for discussions and provide treatment, proving patients with tools to assist them in adopting behaviors to promote their health, and much more.

Learn more at

Benefits of Telehealth

Telehealth has many benefits: It saves time and money by eliminating transportation costs and increasing scheduling flexibility; thus, improving access to care for those who live in rural areas or are affected by other social determinants of health. In addition, it can mitigate the spread of infectious diseases by keeping sick patients out of waiting rooms.

How to Use Telehealth

If you're a provider seeking assistance on performing telehealth visits with your patients, you're in the right place! Telehealth Classroom hosts on-demand training and toolkits for best practices in telehealth.

For more information, contact NETRC at

Patients who want to prepare for a telehealth visit should use the Teleheath Technology Test (TTT) at